3 Things In Your Home Making Your Baby Sick

Babies' immune systems mature as they grow, so they're more susceptible to illnesses and infections than older members of your household. That means parents have to be especially diligent to remove potential dangers, especially in baby's first few months of life. These are just some of the common hazards that could make your baby sick.

Fridges Teeming With Bacteria

You might think your fridge is fine, but if you can't remember the last time you cleaned it the reality may surprise you. There are likely to be millions of food poisoning bacteria lurking on its shelves, just waiting to make your baby ill. These nasties live in common items like raw meats and eggs.

“If a piece of raw meat falls off its plate, it is like spreading salmonella all over the fridge,” Richard Springer of the Society for Food and Hygiene Technology told the Daily Mail.

Take an item from your germy fridge, like your baby's bottle for example, and you could be feeding harmful bacteria directly to your newborn. Adults and healthy kids need large numbers of food poisoning bacteria to fall ill, because our immune systems are strong enough to fend off small bacterial attacks. However, babies have compromised immune systems, so food poisoning bacteria is more likely to make them sick.

Thoroughly clean your fridge weekly with hot water and mild disinfectant, like the one you use on your baby's bottles, to keep the germs at bay.

Cleaning Products Full Of Chemicals

Many new parents spend their time carefully cleaning their home to ensure every surface is sparkling for their new addition. But before you reach for the spray, there's a good reason to pause. Many cleaning products can actually make your baby sick.

Commercial cleaners often contain the neurotoxin perchloroethylene, irritants ammonia and chlorine, and corrosive sodium hydroxide. In addition, scented cleaners usually contain phthalates.

As babies have narrow airways and smaller lung capacities than children and adults, the toxins they breathe in are more concentrated. That means they're getting a super-sized serving of those chemicals which can damage their airways. These chemicals can also irritate babies' eyes and their sensitive skin. Allergies, asthma, and eczema in babies are all linked to household cleaners. Switching to eco-friendly cleaners endorsed by an independent third-party like Green Seal is a great way to reduce your baby's risk of health complications.

The Air Inside Your Home

It might seem implausible, but even the air inside your home could make your baby ill. Studies from the Environmental Protection Agency state indoor air quality is typically five times worse than the air outdoors. Indoor air pollution can cause chronic diseases, including asthma and bronchitis, reproductive problems, and behavioral concerns.

HVAC air filters should be replaced at least every quarter and ducts cleaned every five years to keep indoor air quality at its best. Air cleaners, air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and other air quality devices can also help your baby breathe easier.

Things that are fairly innocuous to healthy adults and children can pose a serious threat to babies. Remove the dangers from your home to make sure it's a healthy place for the smallest member of your household.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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