4 of the Best Baby Sleep Schedules That Work: Faith-filled Parenting

You’ll often hear new parents say, “If the baby isn’t sleeping, no one will be.” For most parents with infants, this sentiment may be very right. Despite your comfortable bed or that new mattress topper for side sleepers, sleep may prove elusive when taking care of a newborn. Moreover, the adjustments you and your spouse have to make may become incredibly frustrating especially when it’s your first child.

Losing sleep to take care and feed your newborn is natural and to be expected. However, the situation is far from hopeless and extensive suffering is not mandatory for new parents. Even at the earliest stage, you can start helping your baby (and yourselves) by developing a sleep schedule.

Sleeping Schedules for Babies

A sleeping schedule is a set and consistent routine that you arrange for your child, and ultimately for you and your spouse. This method will include your newborn’s sleep time, nap time, as well as feeding and nursing. An apparent sleep schedule will not only make every day more manageable for parents, but it will also improve your baby’s health and well-being.

According to Doctor Marilyn Heins, a paediatrician and author of ParenTips, babies find comfort in a consistent routine or when they have a sense of what to expect when it comes to sleeping, napping, playing, and feeding time.

Committing to a set schedule at the outset is also important for the reason that it usually takes infants several weeks to adjust to them. Hence, if you long for consistency in an otherwise hectic first few months (and years), you’ll want to develop a reasonable and realistic sleeping schedule. You might just begin to enjoy that new memory foam mattress topper for side sleepers.

Schedules can be difficult at first. When the baby gets older, you will get used to the routine of arranging a schedule and modifying. Also, you’ll eventually feel more in control of the everyday tasks. More importantly, you’ll be in a better position to address some of the concerns that face parents with newborns such as, an overtired baby, fussiness, difficulty sleeping or going back to sleep, and much more.

Important Reminders

Before we get to the 4 sample baby sleep schedules that work, let’s look into some important reminders first.

  1. Always and always, follow the advice of your paediatrician. So, before starting a sleeping schedule, make sure you consult your baby’s doctor first.
  2. Be consistent and patient. Again, it will take some time for you and your baby to adjust to a new schedule but don’t give. Just stay consistent, and you’ll see results.
  3. Follow a routine and not the clock. You don’t have to monitor the time in the schedules below strictly. Remember that the plans outlined are only approximations. You should base your plan on your baby’s needs. For example, if baby typically wakes up at 6, then you should start there.
  4. Adjust slowly. Add or subtract time in small 15 minute increments when you need to adapt to a new schedule.

4 Baby Sleep Schedules for Baby’s First Year

1. For Newborns, From Birth to Two Months


7:00 – 8:30 am – Wake up and feeding time

8:30 – 10:00 am – Sleep time

10:00 – 11:30 am – Feed, play, diaper change

11:30 – 1:00 pm – Sleep time

1:00 – 2:30 pm – Feed, awake, diaper change

2:30 – 4:00 pm – Sleep time

4:00 – 5:15 pm – Feed, play, awake

5:15 – 5:45 pm – Nap time

5:45 – 8:00 pm – Cluster feed, play, bath, diaper change

8:00 – 10:00 pm – Cluster feed, bedtime

10:00 – 11:00 pm – dream feed then back to bed


● Feed your baby every two and a half to three hours per day. You may need to wake up your child to help him/her adjust to this schedule.

● Feed more times during the day to lessen hunger pangs during the evening or bedtime

● Mothers who choose to breastfeed should go no longer than 3 hours between nursing periods

Cluster feed in the night between 5:00 to 8:00 pm

● Dream feed your baby around 10 or 11 pm. Remember, keep lights and noise to a bare minimum and avoid waking as well as changing your baby’s diapers as much as possible.

2. Infancy, Two to Four months


7:00 – 8:30 am – Wake up and feeding time

8:30 – 10:00 am – Sleep time

10:00 – 11:30 am – Feed, play, diaper change

11:30 – 1:00 pm – Sleep time

1:00 – 2:30 pm – Feed, awake, diaper change

2:30 – 4:00 pm – Sleep time

4:00 – 6:30 pm – Feed, play, awake

6:30 – 7:00 pm – Bath time

7:00 – 10:00 pm –feed, bedtime

10:00 – 11:00 pm – dream feed then back to bed


● Adjust feeding times to every three or three and half hours per day

● If three naps still leave baby tired, consider adding a fourth.

● You may halt cluster feeding but feel free to continue if this helps your baby.

● Keep dream feeding your baby until he/she can comfortably sleep through the night.

3. Four to Nine months


7:00 – 9:00 am – Wake up and feeding time. You may introduce breakfast time at this stage.

9:00 – 11:00 am – Sleep time

11:00 – 1:30 pm – Feed (present lunch time), play, diaper change

1:30 – 3:00 pm – Sleep time

3:00 – 4:30 pm – Feed, awake, play

4:30 – 6:00 pm – Nap time

6:00 – 7:00 pm – Feed (introduce dinner time), play, bath, diaper change

7:00 – 10:00 pm – Feed, bedtime

10:00 – 11: 00 pm – dream feed then back to bed


● Slowly adjust feedings to around every four hours per day

● Around 4 to 6 months is the ideal period to add solids to your baby’s diet.

● Introduce solids slowly over a period of two months.

● With a more solid diet, you can start introducing the mealtimes of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Endeavor to sync these feeding times during the regular family mealtimes

4. Nine Months to the First Year


7:00 – 10:00 am – Wake up and breakfast

10:00 – 12:00 am – Sleep time

12:00 – 2:30 pm – Lunch, play, feed, diaper change

2:30 – 4:00 pm – Sleep time

4:00 – 6:00 pm – Feed, awake, play

6:00 – 7:00 pm – Dinner and bath time

7:00 – 7:00 pm – Feed, play, bath

7:00 pm– Feed, bedtime


● Aim for a total of four feeding times per day

● Continue to adjust feeding schedules to resemble the regular routines of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

● Also, slowly work towards a day with only two naps for baby.


Although the schedules above are just approximations, they can be a great start and guide to bringing your child to a comfortable sleeping schedule every day for their first year. Following these schedules will also prove remarkably beneficial for parents and the family to arrange their day and the day’s tasks around the needs of the newborn.

Plan carefully, and you’ll soon feel more confident and consistent with sticking to a healthy sleeping schedule. Most importantly, enjoy and cherish this period with your newborn. Despite the difficulties and sacrifices, you might just find yourself waxing nostalgic when your adorable baby has grown older.

Author’s bio:

This is Sandra McElroy. My mission is to help BedtimeFriends readers research, & pick mattresses, pillows & various other sleep products that suit their needs, & budget.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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