What Is the Best Method of Teaching Math?

Are you struggling to find the best teaching method? With this guide, you’ll learn the best strategies for teaching math and how each technique can affect students. While some techniques may not be suited for your teaching style, each strategy has been proven to help students gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Now let’s take a look at some of the best teaching methods for math:

In-Classroom Strategies for Teaching Math

These classroom strategies provide students with a variety of resources to help them learn and understand mathematical concepts. If you keep these strategies in mind, students are more likely to have a positive reaction to learning math.

Math Games

Math is more than worksheets and tests; in fact, math can be found in every aspect of our lives. Using math games to promote mathematical thinking allows students to develop a deeper understanding of numbers and shapes.

 Whether it’s computer games, hands-on activities, or team exercises, math games provide students with a chance to explore new strategies. Unlike worksheets, math games offer students a fun and interactive experience to help them grasp certain concepts.

Number Sense

Understanding numbers is crucial in gaining a higher-level understanding of mathematics. Many students rely on memorization to learn concepts; however, memorization has been linked to lower test scores.

 Instead of memorization, students should be able to use numbers interchangeably. Thus, when a question arises, there are a variety of solutions a student can choose from.

Math Questions Built on Different Situations

Math questions should not be phrased the same; instead, they should vary in context and structure. By teaching math questions that are built on different situations, students can gain a deeper understanding of a concept instead of memorizing the steps.

Unlike traditional values, memorization has been seen to halt understanding. In a recent study, researches found that those that memorize are among the lowest-achieving students. However, those that believe math is interconnected are among the highest-achieving students.

Ways to Help Students Who Struggle in Math

Not every teaching strategy is effective for every student. In fact, those that struggle with math may need additional assistance. However, these techniques provide students with an in-depth understanding and allow comprehension of complex mathematical concepts.

Visual Math

Not everyone learns the same; instead, there is a variety of learning styles. Some students need a visual representation of the math question. Being able to visualize the question engages students and promotes them to understand the question on a deeper level.

Discussion-Based Math

Discussion-based math can be represented in the form of teams, one-on-one tutoring, or in classroom settings. The goal is to discuss the problem, find its answer, and discuss why the answer fits the question that’s asked.

For the discussion to work, it shouldn’t be rushed or met with time constraints. Instead, all students should gain an understanding of concepts by discussing any questions or concerns with an instructor.

A prime example of discussion-based math is mathnasium. With qualified tutors and thorough worksheets, students can understand complex mathematical concepts.

Final Thoughts

All in all, the best teaching method depends on your students and your view of teaching. Some students may find strategies that fit their needs better than others.

However, for the best result, make math fun and enjoyable for all! For more information about teaching math, visit our blog.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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