Early Childhood Memories and the Psychological Development of a Child

Early childhood memories are influential developing the adults that we become, and cultural dissimilarities in parent manner also might have an impact on what we remember. Most of us do not remember the memories in the first stage of our lives (between one and four years old).

It is tough to recall the early childhood memories of a child

We remember a little of the life in seven years old. And when we attempt to think back our early memories, it is often unsure whether they are an exact thing or just recollections based on stories to us by others and images.

The reason we do not remember being babies is that infants and toddlers do not have a completely developed memory.

However, six-month babies enable to make short-term memories that endure for minutes, and long-term memories that last for weeks and months.

According to a study shows that six-month babies that learned how to lift a lever to establish a toy train remembered how to perform this toy train of two or three weeks after they had last seen the toy.

On the flip side, preschoolers enable to remember events which go years back. It is arguable whether long-term memories at this stage are frankly autobiographical, which is a personal event, happening to a specific place and time as well.

Memories in this stage continue to mature till teenager period, so memory abilities at the stage of preschool are not adultlike. In fact, growing changes in primary memory operations have been out forward as an explanation for childhood forgetfulness. The hippocampus is responsible for making memories, maintains growing until at least a child gets seven years old. 

The standard of a barrier for the consideration of childhood forgetfulness changes into age from three years old. Children and teenagers have the early memories than adults take. This proposes that the issue may be less with creating memories than with keeping them.

Another factor plays a key role to recall the early childhood memories is language. Language will help your child, as well as adults, keep the events longer from months to years later.

Between one and six ages, children develop from the one-word phase of speaking to becoming free-flowing in their mother tongue. Thus, there are huge changes in their spoken ability that extend over the childhood forgetfulness period.  

Recognize the psychological development stages of a child

Between birth and young adulthood, children have a different life with their being physical. The phases and methods of children learning to follow the psychological development. In other words, these are also good ways to keep your babyhood’s experiences.

Natural senses and motor skills

From newborns to two years old, children learn about the world by using their five senses of human nature and motor skills. Let them see your smile when they do something you want them to do, make them hear your calm voice when they are afraid of something or feel anxiety.


Children will begin the pre-operational when they are practicing to talking. They just realize the present tense, and they have not learned about the past or the future time. They strongly impact on how they would like the world to be. However, they enable to see their viewpoint only.

Cognitive development

In this stage, the child begins learning how to think possible. They also move to the point where they can logically think about what they see is a clear example of this development stage of a child. To learn a new thing, they enable to ask or find the answer by themselves. After that, they try to talk or show what they are observing.

Early childhood

The toddlers in this stage have to learn how to things for themselves. When they are given these opportunities, they start to grow autonomy and a sense of self-worth. Additionally, they learn the power of the word “no”.

Although this is a challenging stage, it is critical to them to develop and learn how to use their own mind precisely.

Two crucial factors affect the toddlers in this stage – as they are learning to do things for themselves. If they are told they are wrong or bad, they learn to view themselves disgraceful and their self-content is low. If they are not allowed to do things by themselves, they are also learning to distrust their abilities.

Play age

In this stage, your children always play with some factors like the toys, their friends, and family members. They will learn new things and develop natural skills through playing, so adults need to help them to recognize good points and bad things. 


Children need to learn several skills and discover various things to expand their world beyond their parents and other family members. Their social life starts to increase, and they want to get achievement in social relationships.


The reason we do forget many things in the early childhood memories is also studied by scientists. Though it is quite difficult to recall it, you could build tremendous moments in a child’s mind so that he or she can have a good early childhood memory when growing.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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