Factors To Consider When Buying A Baby Stroller

Having a baby is a great blessing that everyone wishes to experience at some point in their lives. However, amidst the joy, parenting comes with many responsibilities, such as buying a baby stroller, which is an investment of both time and money. A stroller is one of the many methods of transporting children and generally infants without sacrificing weight and burden. Your baby can start using a stroller as early as when he/she is three months old. By three years of age, your kid should be transitioning out of the stroller and learn how to walk.

One stroller is enough to cover a child’s infancy, especially if you buy a high-quality one from reliable vendors like Itemsbaby. Remember, strollers don't attract repairs, and once it is broken, its lifespan ceases immediately. High-quality strollers are constructed on sturdy material that doesn't break easily unless overwhelmed with brutal force.

 So, what are some of the factors that you should consider when buying a baby stroller? Well, they include but aren’t limited to the following:

Stroller type

There are different types of strollers that you can access based on your taste, preferences, and baby needs. For instance, an active baby will best go with a jogging stroller, which can also be converted into a car carrier. Other strollers include standard and lightweight. Standard strollers are big in size, sturdy, and allows your child to sit anywhere in any position. However, they are hard to maneuver since they can be bulky at times. On the other hand, lightweight strollers are designed for portability and ideal for a traveling person. However, most of them are for six months' infants and above.

Frame and fabric

It would be best if you didn't compromise when it comes to frame and fabric quality. The fabric should be allergen-free as your baby will spend most of the time on it when outdoors. You'll also need a sturdy frame that is built for longevity and durability.

Handling issues

Different strollers come with varying handles, but you'll prefer the one that comes with an ergonomic design for safety and comfort. We recommend that you go with a large handlebar as it allows you to have total control of the stroller.


Safety is paramount when it comes to infants because, unlike adults, they are very delicate and can't withstand accident effects such as concussions. A safe stroller should come with a single handbrake, strategically positioned so you can pull it anytime you want. Other safety features include padded belts and a 5-point harness to prevent your baby from falling.

Wheels and suspension

Regardless of the baby's age, it will help if you get a stroller with high-quality suspensions to cushions bumps and potholes for a smoother ride. You'll also need a stroller that allows you to lock the front wheels when stationery to ensure it doesn't move from the original position. This will help when shopping or when you've parked next to a busy road and want to unload the baby into the car. Click here for strollers that come with reliable suspensions and are within reasonable market prices.


You must think about other things that you'll be carrying apart from the baby and choose a stroller that comes with proportionate storage for that. You might want a stroller that can accommodate extra blanket and linen, food materials, and flask holders. It will also be best if you get somewhere to place your phone and car keys since you'll be pushing the stroller with both hands most of the time.

Newborn ready option

Lastly, you might also consider going with a newborn option if you don't want to wait until your baby is three months or six months of age. However, there is a greater risk since the baby cannot yet support the neck on his/her own. In that regard, you might consider a stroller with a padded reclining seat to offer maximum support. It is important to note that newborns have much more needs, and hence you'll also require a bigger storage place.

As you can witness, mothers can sometimes be split when it comes to picking merchandise for the newborns. At the end of the day, you’ll want a stroller that matches your needs and ensure that the baby is as comfortable as possible. With the right budget, you can always score the best option putting the above factors into consideration.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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