What Does Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test White Discharge?

For women, missing your periods by even a single day is always nerve wrecking, unless you are used to having such irregular cycles. This is because a late period could be a sign of pregnancy for a sexually active woman or a variety of other reasons altogether.

What can be even more stressing is carrying out a pregnancy test and getting negative results. This test result adds to the confusion as it somehow eliminates the most obvious reason for a late period. The resulting worry can become unbearable, more so when you are trying to get pregnant.

When you throw the usual white discharge, which indicates a pregnancy to some extent, to the mix, you get a pretty nail-biting experience.

First of all, it will be wise to accept the fact that all these happen for a reason. So, to make life a little easier for you, I will explain to you the possible reasons for late period negative pregnancy test white discharge.

Understanding The Menstrual Cycle And Pregnancy

Before I indulge you in further details, it will be better to have an understanding of your menstrual cycle and the ovulation cycle. Although I believe you are quite knowledgeable on it from my previous posts.

In simpler terms, the menstrual cycle is the changes that your body is taken through in preparation for fertilization, then implantation and then pregnancy. During the cycle (usually 28 days), a lining is grown along the uterus in preparation for fertilization. When this does not occur, this lining is shed, hence menstruation (period).

If fertilization of the egg occurs in the fallopian tube, the uterus lining is not shed. No menstruation occurs; hence you miss your period. Well, for some women, this can be normal since the whole process is not always definite.

 But if you are active sexually or have been trying to get pregnant, when you miss a period, it could mean that conception has taken place.

White Discharge And Pregnancy

Besides a missed period, another not so common sign of pregnancy is the occurrence of a white discharge in a sexually active woman. And this is why you would be more confused when you test for pregnancy, and you get a false positive.

The white discharge occurs when the levels of estrogen in the body increase during ovulation. After ovulation has taken place, the estrogen levels decrease, and then progesterone levels increase to prepare your uterus for the pregnancy.

In case the pregnancy does not occur, the progesterone levels decrease, and then menstruation takes place. Otherwise, the levels of both hormones rise rapidly to support the development of the fetus. It is this rapid rise in hormonal levels (estrogen and progesterone) that cause the discharge of a milky white discharge.

 By now, you have missed your pregnancy and are spotting some white discharges from your vagina. These are all indicators of pregnancy. But if you do the test and get a negative result, there may be other reasons for this.

Reasons For Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test White Discharge

1. Low Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

When carrying out a pregnancy test, what you are doing is actually determining the levels of this hormone in your body. This hormone is only produced when you are pregnant and at no other time. Its production starts right after the implantation of the egg that has been fertilized.

It is only after this implantation of the embryo onto the wall of the endometria that you can be really sure of being pregnant. And this usually takes place about 6 to 12 days after the egg has been fertilized.

During the process, the levels of hCG in the body is different as it increases with each passing day. So, when you do the test before the hormones reach a detectable level in body fluids (urine), you are bound to get a negative result.

 The other signs of pregnancy will show and be experienced, such as a missed period, mild spotting, abdominal cramping, vaginal discharge and sore breasts.

What do you do then?

When you get a negative pregnancy test, it is best to visit your doctor so that further examination can be carried out. Carrying out of a test of the hCG levels using blood is a start, or performing an ultrasound is another option. If you find out that you are indeed pregnant, Congratulations from me.

2. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

The Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition that arises from the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone hormones. What results is the development of benign cysts in your ovaries.

Such can affect a woman in different ways, and would vary from one person to another. The most common are effects on fertility, insulin resistance, cardiovascular functioning and delayed periods.

Women with it will show various signs such as weight gain, irregular periods, irregular facial hair and acne. The bad news is that the cause is not always known, but research shows that is a genetic condition and would run in the family line.

PCOS, therefore, causes delayed periods due to the imbalance in hormonal levels. In some instances, there is also a white discharge as if you are pregnant. So, if you carry out a pregnancy test after missing your period and get a negative, then you might have PCOS.

What do you do?

If you highly suspect that you could be having this condition, then you better consult an obstetrician or a gynecologist for an evaluation. And since it has no definite cure, you will need to have the symptoms managed as earlier as possible.

3. Anxiety And Stress

There are certain psychological factors that have an effect on your menstrual cycles. Anxiety is one of such. It is almost unavoidable, more so when you are trying to get pregnant for the first time.

This is why your doctor would always recommend that you stay as calm as possible. As a couple, you, therefore, need not worry too much as it impacts on your reproductive health.

4. Faulty Test Kit

You can never rule this out when you get a negative result, yet your body is showing all the signs of being pregnant. A pregnancy test kit with a manufacturing defect will most likely give you a false result.

This is the reason why you are always advised to buy a kit from a reputable company so as to save you from all these anxieties.

5. Menopause

If you are in your late 40’s towards 50’s, then these signs could be as a result of menopause, which normally starts a little early. A stage called perimenopause usually comes first, then the actual menopause follows.

During this period, your hormones decline, the ovarian follicles deplete and irregular periods occur. The white discharge will still occur, but you will miss your periods at times.

6. Ectopic Pregnancy

Also called a tubal pregnancy, this is when the fertilized ovum is implanted on the walls of the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. You would ordinarily show the signs of being pregnant, but get a negative when you carry out a test.

A period will be missed as well as the presence of vaginal discharges. When you experience severe abdominal pains and miss your period as well, you need to visit your doctor immediately. This condition can be dangerous if not treated.


Late period negative pregnancy test white discharge is a condition that gets potential moms worried sick when it occurs. When you realize that you are in such a situation, the best course of action is to consult your doctor. You should not just assume that all will be alright after a while. If indeed you are pregnant, you will need to start preparing as soon as possible for the unborn.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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