Protect Your Kids with These 6 Helpful Tips

Becoming a parent is one of the most rewarding things in the world, so it’s no wonder we want to do everything we can to protect our children as they grow. While it isn’t always easy, there are some simple steps that you can take to protect your kids. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading.

Install window guards

Did you know that over 5000 children get injured from falling from a window each year? The numbers are shocking, but there is an easy way to prevent this from happening. By installing window guards that are fixed with screws, you can still let in the beautiful breeze without worrying about any accidents. 

Install a security system

If your children are old enough to be left alone at home, you might want to consider getting a security system. Most of them can connect straight to your smartphone so that you can monitor the house while you are at work.

They are also great for getting rid of unwanted guests, as they can set off alarms and dial emergency services. With so many options available, you can customize the system to suit you and your family.

Anchor your furniture

A study during 2016-2018 revealed that around 12,500 children were admitted to hospital because of furniture related accidents. Walking toddlers can get very curious and might even learn to make it over the baby gates! It’s only natural that they try climbing up on everything, so it’s better to be prepared. To prevent any injuries, anchor your furniture to the wall with screws and a wall stud.

Turn on parental controls

The internet is considered a very big place, and it’s very easy for children to get taken advantage of. To help protect your kids on the internet, make sure that you turn on parental controls, monitor any online chats, and block websites that aren’t age-appropriate.

Make a family plan

Having a family plan means that everybody knows what to do in case of an emergency. For example, you might have specific rules to follow in case of a fire, break-in, or if they get lost in public. By sitting down together and mapping everything out, you can rest easy knowing that all of your children are prepared.

Teach them about strangers

Stranger danger is one of the most important things that you should teach your children. However, it can be challenging to find the words to explain it. You want to avoid using scaring statements, and instead, teach them about what they should and shouldn’t do. For example, teach them to go to an employee in the mall if they are lost, instead of the first person they see. 

By following the above, you can ensure that your kids are as safe as possible, and you won’t need to stress any longer! Just remember to sit down with your children and explain to them about the different systems and rules that are in place. This way, they can be prepared for any emergencies.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via Welcome to

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