10 Signs that Your Baby is Teething – Mom and Baby Blog

Are you wondering when your baby’s teeth will start to come through?

Most babies’ teeth come through at around 6 months but some can come through as early as 3 months whereas other babies’ teeth can come through as late as 14 months. How your baby tends to experience teething differs from baby to baby however.

The tricky thing about teething is that it can start roughly 2-3 months before your baby’s tooth actually erupts. This can be rough for both you and your baby if you are unable to recognize the symptoms.

Here are the 10 Signs that Indicate that Your Baby is Teething

1. Biting and Chewing Objects

Your baby will chew anything during his teething process to create some counter-pressure to relieve some of the pain. You can give him some teething toys to help ease him through this process. Make sure that whatever your baby chews is clean and germ free though.

2. Drooling

Babies tend to naturally drool a lot as they are still learning how to swallow their saliva. During the teething process, your baby’s body creates extra saliva to help lubricate his tender and bulging gums. You will discover that your baby will have a very wet chin while teething.

3. Disturbed Sleep

If your baby used to sleep through the night but wakes up now then it is probably due to the discomfort and pain caused by the teething process. Babies will tend to sleep less and stay awake more due to the teething discomfort that they experience.

4. Being Irritable and Fussy

Teething discomfort makes your baby a lot more irritable. His tender gums get inflamed during the teething process which is most uncomfortable when the first few teeth are erupting. Hugs and kisses are usually the only comfort you can offer your baby.

5. Change in Eating Habits and Decreased Appetite

Babies who eat solids may want to shift back to the bottle as the spoon and solid food irritate their gums whereas other babies may want to eat solids to create counter pressure to relieve some of the pain. Some babies that are still on the bottle or on the nipple might lose their appetite due to the discomfort of teething when sucking.

6. Pulling of Ears, Rubbing of Cheeks and Chin

Babies instinctively apply self massages by rubbing the area around their jaws to create counter pressure that helps relieve some of the pain that they are experiencing.

7. Chewing Fingers

Chewing relieves the discomfort of the teething process and you will see your baby trying to relieve himself by chewing his fingers. Make sure to keep your baby’s hands clean as he can ingest germs which are harmful.

8. Teething Rashes and Cough

The extra drool caused by teething can cause chafing, facial rashes and coughing due to saliva collecting at the back of your baby’s throat. Coughing is caused by a gagging reflex due to the extra saliva which gathers at the back of your baby’s mouth.

9. Swollen Gums and Appearance of Tooth Buds

If your baby has red and swollen gums then it is a sure shot sign that he is teething. You can help relieve some of his discomfort by gently rubbing your finger over his gums. Make sure that your hands are clean though.

10. Crying for No Reason

Some babies tend to suffer a great deal of discomfort during teething as their gums become inflamed. If your baby is constantly crying or whining then the chances are that he may be teething.

How You can Soothe Your Teething Baby and When You Should Call Your Doctor

What works for other babies may not work for yours. Giving your baby something cold to chew on is advised, you can freeze their pacifiers before giving them to your baby. Nursing mums can try dipping their finger in water and massaging their baby’s gums prior to each feeding as this will keep them from biting the nipple while nursing. 

 Some signs of teething are actually the same as the signs of sickness so don’t delay and make sure to consult your doctor if you detect any symptoms. Make sure to pay your dentist a visit if none of your child’s teeth have erupted in 15 months. I hope that implementing these oral health practices early on will benefit your children in their future. 

Author Bio:

A dental marketer at Michael G. Long DDS and a believer in holistic health, Grace Clark lives by the rule that health and happiness go hand in hand. She writes on various topics focusing on dental and oral hygiene, healthy living and holistic health. When she’s not working or blogging, she enjoys spending her time with her family and volunteering at the local youth centers where she educates children about the importance of health and fitness.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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