6DPO Symptoms That You Need to Know About

Many willing women struggle to get pregnant. At times it is hard to really get the timing right. For one to be pregnant a sperm and an egg must meet. Normally women release an egg every time during their menstrual circle.

During ovulation, the egg is released providing an opportunity for it to be fertilized. In case a sperm makes it in time, your egg will get fertilized. If it successfully gets implanted on the uterus wall, then you will start experiencing the 6DPO symptoms (6 Days Past Ovulation symptoms).

6 DPO symptoms are almost the same as the early pregnancy symptoms; they are usually caused by hormonal changes that occur when implantation takes place. These hormones include Estrogen and human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) which help in maintaining the pregnancy.

How Does One Get Pregnant?

Ovulation normally takes place midways between your menstrual circles. The released egg from the ovaries moves slowly through the fallopian tube eagerly waiting to meet a sperm. The egg moves 12-24 hours tops, if it does not meet a sperm, then you will experience your period. The prepared uterine walls will collapse, and this brings the onset of your menstruation.

So how does the egg get lucky? Sperms have a maximum of up to 6 days to find the egg and fertilize it before dying. They will swim through the uterus to the fallopian tube. Here only one sperm cell will fuse with an egg and fertilization will occur or conception.

The fertilized egg will then move towards the uterus. As it moves, it will keep growing into a ball of cells called a blastocyst. It takes a fertilized egg 3-4 days to reach the uterus. On arriving on the uterus, implantation will take place.

It might not always happen immediately. It might take another 2-3 days before implantation happens which is around 6 days after fertilization. Pregnancy will officially begin if the blastocyst attaches itself to the thick lined uterine walls.

The blastocyst after successfully attaching itself to the uterus walls will grow into a fetus. The cells outside it will grow into a placenta, a linkage system between the mom’s blood and the fetus’ blood. The placenta will act as a lee way for food, nutrients, and ions. All these will be necessary for the growth of the fetus into a baby.

As soon as the egg gets implanted in the uterine wall, the body will trigger the release of hormones that will prevent the blood-thickened walls from collapsing or shading off. At this point, you will miss your period, and 6DPO symptoms will kick off.

How Does One Get Lucky With Twins?

There are 2 special cases where one can get pregnant with twins. One is if an egg will be fertilized by a sperm and then it splits into two blastocysts. If these two blastocysts get implanted, you will be pregnant with Identical twins. They will have the same DNA and will look alike because they are from the same egg and the same sperm cell.

The second case is when two eggs are fertilized by different sperms cells, and they successfully get implanted on the uterus walls. You will be pregnant with fraternal twins. They won’t look alike because they are different sperm cells and eggs.

It is important to note that about half of fertilized eggs don’t get implanted in the uterus. They are released out of the birth canal during your period.

When To Be Certain About Pregnancy

Despite the many symptoms of pregnancy, there is only one way to be certain of whether you are pregnant or not. This is by doing a pregnancy test. Pregnancy test kits rely mostly on detecting the levels of human chorionic Gonadotropin which are usually present in the urine and are released after implantation takes place. These will work best at least a week after your 6DPO.

What Are Some Of The Common Symptoms At 6DPO?

The 6DPO symptoms will occur differently in various women. Some women will completely not experience any symptoms at all. Others will experience them earlier, but at least a significant percentage of women will experience the following symptoms during their 6DPO.


With the fertilized egg implanted, there will be a need for a supply of blood, nutrients and above all hormonal imbalance will occur. This will bring a lot of changes in the body including reduced sugar level and blood pressure. As a result, you will start getting exhausted and tired.

In addition to the effects above, during pregnancy, the body will trigger the excess release of hormones like progesterone. High levels of these hormones will induce sleep, leaving you sleepy and exhausted all day.


During the early stages of pregnancy, there are high levels of hormones like progesterone. These hormones are responsible for building the environment for the growing baby. They are responsible for the growth of your uterus to accommodate the growing embryo as well as the uterine muscles.

The increase of this hormone will lead to slow digestion which provides room for gas build up in your stomach and intestine leading to bloating. The growth of the uterus will push your lower abdomen upwards. This will result in a shift in the way digestion works, and you will have a bloated stomach.

The hormone will also weaken the control of muscles leading to the unprepared release of gas which will end up being embarrassing.


Most women associate cramping with Premenstrual Syndrome but it can also be a big sign of an early pregnancy. These pulling sensations are intense during 6DPO because of expansion of the uterus, which pulls the supporting ligaments and the muscles along with it leading to pain in the abdomen which shifts from side to side.

You will experience this mostly when you change positions or sneeze.


A backache is associated with cramping. When the uterus grows and expands, the pulling of ligaments will lead to intense aches along the lower back. It may also be caused by the egg burrowing along the uterine wall which will result in pulling of ligaments and muscles. This will trigger sensors at your back to reveal pain.

Spotting and Vaginal Discharge

Spotting is the bleeding that occurs during 6DPO that might be confused with a normal period. This bleeding, however, is not as thick as that of a period. The discharge normally varies from being red to brown.

It should be alarming, but it will be wise if you consult your healthcare if you experience this symptom. Implantation is one of the causes of spotting. As the fertilized egg gets attached to the uterine wall, bleeding will be triggered leading to spotting.

Another cause of spotting is the development of a harmless growth called Cervical Polyp. The growth is likely to bleed due to high levels of Estrogen hormone.

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea will mostly occur in the morning hours during early stages of pregnancy. Nausea is caused by rising levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and Estrogen. These hormones are responsible for maintaining the pregnancy.

These hormones may result in a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe and persistent form of vomiting that is common during pregnancy. The women who experience this condition mostly fail to eat enough.

This forces their bodies to break excess fats in the body leading to the build up of a waste product called ketones.The build up of ketones leads to a condition called ketosis. These conditions will be responsible for dizziness, bad breath, fatigue and other symptoms.

Wrapping Up

You can disregard the 6DPO symptoms, but they can clearly indicate that one is pregnant. You can, however, be certain about it by doing a pregnancy test. These symptoms can be severe that sometimes may cause panic, but it should not worry you because they will subside with time as you begin counting your gestational period.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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