The Biggest Myths About IVF That You Can Rest Assured are Not True

The advancements in technology have changed the world as we know it, especially in the world of medicine. Who would have ever thought that there was a way for a “barren” woman to ever have a chance at motherhood centuries ago… But technology today has made that a reality for so many families.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most common and most successful infertility treatments out today. It has given families a new hope on becoming parents when trying to conceive the good old fashioned way hasn’t worked. Now, people have mixed feelings about the IVF process but that’s only because they don’t understand the process.

Processing the Process

What a lot of people don’t realize is that the IVF process is only a five-step process that includes:

  1. Fertility medication
  2. Egg stimulation
  3. Egg retrieval
  4. Fertilization
  5. Embryo transfer

For those who don’t fully understand the process, they’re the ones who have their own narrative of how the process works and will share their thoughts and opinions to couples interested in the process. That sharing of misinformation is what makes people afraid to go through with the process all because someone spoke on something they know nothing about.

The spreading of this misinformation is exactly how these awful myths came about… it shouldn’t be of any surprise though. Just as many things that come about that people don’t understand, technological advancements will receive that same slack, especially in the world of medicine. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, consult with a fertility specialist first before listening to a misinformed individual who would actually do more harm for you thang good. Take a look at fertility’s biggest myths that shouldn’t even enter your thought process.

Myth 1: IVF Means You’ll Have Multiples

Everyone seems to think that if you seek fertility treatment that you’ll automatically have anywhere from two to eight children at once. This couldn’t be further from the truth. IVF is actually the only treatment option where you have complete control because you get to choose how many eggs you want fertilized and transferred back into your uterus. So if anyone ever tells you that you’re going to be “Octomom” with IVF, you’ll know that they are terribly misinformed.

Myth 2: All IVF Treatments Have a 100 Percent Success Rate

Unfortunately, this statement isn’t true. Although IVF treatments have undergone miraculous advancements, not every patient has seen success. There are several factors that can play a role in the failure of IVF treatments. According to the Mayo Clinic, IVF treatments can fail due to:

  • Age
  • Status of the embryo
  • Your reproductive history
  • Lifestyle
  • The initial cause of infertility

Not only do those have an effect on your body but stress plays a big role in it too. As hard as it may be, you have to try and lower your stress levels. Look into different techniques that allow you to make a connection between your mind and body.

Myth 3: The Hormone Injections Make You Feel and Act Crazy

Taking fertility medications is the first step in the five-step process. A woman going through IVF treatments will typically have to take hormone injections for about 10 days to stimulate the ovaries to produce several eggs for the other four steps in the process. Women undergoing the injection process aren’t crazy by any means.

Just think about it… If a woman seems a little off or cranky during this stage in the process, keep in mind that having infertility issues will take you on an emotional rollercoaster anyway because of all the stress and disappointment that comes with it, so don’t think that the process did that to someone… infertility in itself has taken a toll on the body is the reality of it.

Myth 4: Frozen Embryos are Less Effective Than Fresh Ones

That’s almost like saying fresh veggies are better than frozen ones. Well, that’s essentially the truth sometimes but not always! With IVF, whether the embryo is fresh or frozen, both still have the same effectiveness. In fact, studies have shown that frozen embryos transfers produced better pregnancy outcomes! But either way you look at it, one option isn’t better than the other. Whichever one you choose, the best way to have a chance at a successful cycle is to take care of your body, inside and out, and do everything your doctor tells you to do!

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via Welcome to

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