How to be a Good Mom

Being a mom comes with its ups and downs. A lot of us feel insecure that we're not doing the best job we could be. Collecting all the information we can about the subject can help ease our anxieties. Mothers aren't perfect. No one is. The important thing is to do the best you can. While many say parenting doesn't come with a manual, consider this one something you can rely on.

There are so many things that will happen to you as you raise your child. You'll have much less time for yourself. The portion of the finances will be spent in a large amount on your children. You'll lose sleep. The worst part? You'll worry a lot more. It's like having a full-time career and three part-time jobs. It's exhausting; however, when you do a good job, it can be well rewarding. Consider the following tips:

1. Be Open To Your Child's Feedback

Some parents call this talking back. The truth of the matter is that children are people. They have needs and want to express them to you. Being a thoughtful mother means understanding that kids can have the best insight when it comes to telling you what makes them happy and healthy takes. Maybe you've always dreamed of having that perfect pianist in the family? If your child hates playing the piano, she'll tell you. Kids can end up resenting their parents if they are forced to partake in activities they could live without.

2. Let Your Child Express Their Emotions

Emotional regulation is a process that is learned throughout childhood and adolescents. Some parents feel the need to punish children for expressing themselves in what is a perfectly natural and healthy way for their age. Your kid will throw tantrums. It's something you did, and they will as well. Some parents worry that if they do not correct this behavior, their child will throw fits as adults. In reality, emotionally repressed people are more likely to be depressed, have problems with communication, and have anger regulation issues on the inside. With that said, it isn't wise to let your child hold massive fits all the time. A child who has less emotional control than other people in their age group should go to therapy.

I know moms feel massively embarrassed when their four-year-old starts throwing a tantrum in public. Anyone with kids there isn't judging you and knows it happens. It is okay to gently correct your child, give them time to themselves, and help them develop healthy coping skills to deal with their emotions. This goes for both private and public emotional reactions.

3. Help Them Develop Life Skills And Healthy Eating Habits

I've seen many mothers make the mistake of taking a lot of unhealthy food into their home and then yell at their child to eat it. Kids have less self-control and love the mental and physical rewards that sugar can bring. With that, sugar isn't so rewarding physically. Kids that consume too much of it can end up with health problems that include hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

The key to teaching someone how to eat healthy for life is to teach it to them when they are children. Your child should be offered access to healthy foods at home. Having a bunch of candy and other unhealthy foods in the pantry can be much too tempting for a child who can't connect eating them with the health consequences consuming too much of them can cause. Offer them healthy food at dinner and for snacks. Let your child choose their snack time. It won't have health consequences and will teach them that they are in control of their eating if you only offer healthy snacks.

We learn to clean up ourselves and take care of chores when we are young. Adults who were never taught these skills tend to be messy and disorganized. You shouldn't be like a slave driver to your children when trying to get them to do chores. This will make them associate cleaning as a negative thing. Instead, be thoughtful and offer rewards for cleaning up after themselves. Positive reinforcement works. Kids will do just about anything for a small amount of money or a piece of chocolate.

Kids also learn healthy, grooming habits when they are young. Do not expect them to know how to clean up themselves properly. For instance, many brush their teeth for only 30 seconds as adults. The recommended time for doing so is 2 minutes. Having your child do it for this period of time helps them do this without thinking about it for the rest of their lives.

4. Help Them With Their Homework Patiently

Every parent dreams of raising a rocket scientist. Parents who put too much pressure on their child to succeed academically; sometimes end up dropping out or have problems with stress. Helping kids with homework can be a bonding experience. The key is to adjust to and accept your child's natural ability. Patiently correct their mistakes as well. You should hire a tutor if you feel that their material has been forgotten by you or become too advanced.

The Bottom Line

Being a good and a thoughtful mother takes kindness and patience. Children are unconditionally loving and want to please you. It's important to understand that children learn as they go. They are more likely to respond well to positive attention. One other thing, Take time for yourself!

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via Welcome to

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