The Most Beneficial Baby Advice New Moms Will Hear

New moms are overwhelmed with free advice from real moms. When you become Mother for the first time, you'll be acquiring new knowledge every day, but you don't have to estimate and understand everything out on your own. Sometimes useful advice from experienced parents will be truly what you need. If you’re looking for useful advice from new moms or for yourself, then here you will find a lot of parenting advice that is useful for you. So get ready to take notes because we are going to share some of the best tips for a new mom. Before going to shop for plain baby clothes, read these 8 useful advises that every mom should know to make their parenting experience a memorable adventure.

1. Don’t Be Quiet When The Baby Is Sleeping

The mother’s womb is indeed a noisy place because of the sound of the heartbeat, breathing, blood circulation and body movements of the mother. All of these mothers' body activities make the womb a noisy place for the baby. So, don’t need to be quiet when the baby is sleeping as newborns are used to the noise. You can watch movies, wash dishes and talk to other family members when he sleeps. You will soon realize that he is used to sleeping in noise and when he wakes up, he looks fresh and peaceful.

2. Help Your Baby To Find The Best Position To Latch

During the process of breastfeeding, the baby may face difficulty in finding the position of the nipples and they are unable to latch out correctly. If your baby has latching issues while breastfeeding your baby, you need to position your baby in a way that their mouth is level with the nipples. You can also use breast shields that can be placed on your nipples so that the baby can feed easily.

3. Keeping Your Baby Awake During Feeding

Most parents think that if their baby falls asleep during breasts, it means they are full but this is not the case. In fact, he may not be getting enough feed. If your breast feels soft and less full then it means that baby is getting enough milk. But if the baby’s face looks tense then it is a sign that she may still be hungry. When our baby is feeding slowly and looks sleepy, then massage her cheek to excite him to eat more milk. Do breast compression to encourage more milk to flow.

4. Remember That Nothing Goes as Planned

Pregnancy is a hard time for all expecting women. Mothers do a lot of planning for their delivery but remember that nothing always goes as planned. Some mothers have normal delivery while some have to go from a c-section. Sometimes due to complication in delivery, your childbirth seldom goes exactly how you plan for it. Whatever is going to appear, is going to proceed. Planing cant change it. So try to be relaxed and calm in this life-changing situation. Rather than planning, focus on your health and your baby’s health.

5. Focus On Father-Child Bonding

Being a mother, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your baby has enough time alone with father. Baby is used to your voice so father voices and touch are different than yours. Don’t stick with your baby and give a chance to the father to bond with the baby as this bonding gives you a break to take some rest. Leave your baby alone with father as this will make baby bonding with father more strong and he will be used to being with someone other than you. Make sure your baby is not hungry so that he can spend two hours alone with his dad.

6. Circumcision and Umbilical Cord Care

If your baby has circumcision, then the most important tip you will hear is to cover the tip of the penis with petroleum jelly to keep the wound from attaching to the diaper. Redness and white discharge are normal after circumcision. If the baby has not urinated within 12 hours of the circumcision and swelling then immediately call your doctor because it may be a sign of infection. Newborns Umbilical Cord care is also important for mothers. Keep the cord stump dry and keep the baby's diaper below the stump so it's exposed to the air. Call your doctor if the naval area becomes red, cord smells bad and doesn't fall off in two weeks.

7. Protect The Skin From Scratches

New babies nails are very soft and sharp but need to be kept short to prevent the baby from scratching their own face. You need to trim baby nails twice a week because they grow surprisingly fast. Make sure to take extra care when trimming nails to avoid snipping the fingertip skin.

  • Cut nails when your baby is sleeping.
  • Use a baby nail clipper
  • Trim once in a week

Call your skincare specialist baby’s nails hurt and become red or inflamed.

8. Give Your Baby Skin A Soft Touch

Baby skin is extremely soft and smooth. Protecting their skin from infliction is important advice that new moms will hear. The skin is the body's largest organ so always use those products that are not harmful to their delicate skin. Use skincare products that are fragrance-free and suitable for their delicate skin. Baby skincare is not all about skincare products but it is also about baby clothing.

Always choose those baby clothes that are made up of 100% organic cotton and give your baby a soft touch. You can easily find a lot of organic baby clothes from online stores like Lavendersun. If you have questions about these tips then, contact your doctor to recommend resources that can help you to grow your baby safely.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via Welcome to

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