Five Simple Ways to Make Sure Your Kids Stay Sun-Safe

All moms know how difficult it can be to keep kids safe in the sun. After all, getting little ones to stop what they’re doing so you can apply (and reapply) sunscreen can feel a bit like trying to wrangle an octopus. The good news? Practicing sun safety with children is not an impossible task. These five tips can help you minimize fuss and maximize ease while protecting your kids from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

1. Seek Shade During Peak Sun Hours

In the northern hemisphere, the sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Therefore, one of the simplest ways to prevent sun damage is to plan outdoor activities for when the sun isn’t at its peak.

 It’s also important to remember that UVA and UVB rays can still cause unexpected skin damage outside of peak hours – and even on cool, overcast, or cloudy days. In fact, a whopping 80 percent of the sun’s rays can penetrate clouds and fog. The takeaway? Whenever your kids venture outside – even if it’s just into the backyard on a cloudy day – make sure they apply sunscreen.

 Don’t forget that the sun can even pose a threat during winter months because its rays reflect off of snow, thereby amplifying their strength. So, if you’re planning a ski vacation, be sure to pack plenty of sunscreen.

2. Make Sunscreen a Habit

Sunscreen is one of the best ways to prevent skin cancer – short of avoiding the sun altogether. We’re all aware of the importance of modeling healthy behaviors to our kids, and sun safety is no exception. Teaching and reinforcing the importance of wearing sunscreen every day can help them adopt these crucial habits themselves. Just as you make sure your kids eat breakfast and brush their teeth every morning, you should also encourage them to incorporate sunscreen into their daily routine.

Of course, talking about applying sunscreen and actually doing it are two different situations – especially if you’ve got a squirmy toddler who’s unwilling to sit still. In this case, consider turning the process into a fun activity to make it easier for everyone. Turning sunscreen application into a game of Simon Says or Connect the Dots can get your kids to happily put on sunscreen without even realizing they’re doing it.

Speaking of sunscreen, choosing the right one (and using enough of it) is also critical. Look for products labeled as “broad spectrum” that have a rating of at least SPF 30. This means that your kids are not only getting the maximum amount of sun protection possible but are also shielded from both UVA and UVB rays. It’s recommended to use at least one ounce (roughly two tablespoons) of sunscreen and reapply it every two hours. If your kids go swimming, make sure they reapply every 40 minutes.

3. Increase Their Understanding

Kids are smart cookies. And while it may not be easy to get them to cooperate, arming them with information is always a step in the right direction. Pediatric psychologist and assistant professor of dermatology, Yelena Wu, Ph.D., told Consumer Reports, “You have to explain it in a language they can understand. When children are young, the focus of the discussion can be how we use sunscreen to keep skin healthy and safe, just like we use seat belts and helmets to keep our bodies safe.”

 As kids get older, Dr. Wu recommends drawing the connection between UV damage, skin cancer, and the role of good sun protection habits in prevention. An honest dialog goes a long way. Plus, in helping kids understand why they need sunscreen, you’re increasing their chances of feeling like partners in the process as opposed to unwilling victims.

4. Invest in Sun-Protective Clothing

Your kids are your most precious commodity, and you’d do anything to keep them safe. Investing in sun-safe clothing is one of the easiest ways to do so.

 While sunscreen is an effective way to block the sun’s rays, you must be diligent for it to reach its maximum potential. Sun-protective clothing, which is designed to block harmful UV rays, ensures that they’re getting the most coverage possible, as it doesn’t wear off over time.

 We’ve got good news on this front, too. Thanks to advancements in design and technology, today’s sun-protective clothing is more comfortable and stylish than ever before. If you’re raising tiny fashionistas, there are plenty of adorable options they’ll love.

5. Check (and Double-Check) Medications

Many medicines, including both acne medication and antibiotics, can increase the skin’s sensitivity to UV rays. Even some OTC drugs can lead to increased sun sensitivity. Make sure to check in with your doctor or pharmacist if your child is prescribed any new medications. If your child is taking medicine with this side effect, extra sun precautions may be in order, such as staying inside.

 While spending time in the great outdoors has many wonderful benefits, sunburns and skin damage aren’t among them. Luckily, these six tips can help your kids enjoy fun in the sun while reducing their exposure to harmful UV rays.

About the Author:

After being diagnosed with skin cancer, Melissa Papock founded Cabana Life, a beachwear brand that combines fashion with function. Cabana Life offers a wide range of stylish UPF 50+ pieces for women, men, and children.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via Welcome to

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