9 Things You Absolutely Need During Your 9 Months In Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wondrous and joyful time for mothers-to-be. Many people find they feel energetic and full of optimism, while others are affected by aches, pains, and discomfort. Much has been written about safeguarding the health of the baby during the 9-month gestational period. But no matter where you are at in your pregnancy, it's vital that you take care of your self equally as well. Rest, hydration and a stress-free environment are all crucial factors in a healthy outcome. Here are nine other ways to take good care of yourself while you are pregnant.

1. High Quality Prenatal Vitamins

You may be tempted to skip the supplements, but don’t. Prenatal vitamins contain valuable nutrients that not only make sure your baby is getting what he or she needs but that you are too. Your doctor will probably recommend the best brand for you, but if not, consult with your pharmacist. Some women find it hard to swallow large vitamins so your doctor can prescribe a small size from the pharmacy if this is a problem for you.

2. A Top-Notch Pregnancy Pillow

A pregnancy pillow is one of the best products for expecting mothers. There are numerous types available: U-shaped, wedges, full body pillows, and more. Because sleeping can be tough when you are pregnant, a pillow can help you reposition your body for adequate comfort. A good pregnancy pillow is actually designed to ease the aches and pains having a growing baby inside of you. Most offer belly support, while some others are for hip, knee, or back pain. Taking the pressure off of these areas can help you get a better night sleep.

3. Belly Lotion

The skin on the belly stretches as it grows causing stretch marks that women often complain about, but it also itches the larger your tummy gets. Your skin needs soothing lubrication to prevent scratching and itching. A good lotion can help relieve the discomfort and also help minimize the appearance of stretch marks. And it just feels nice.

4. Morning Sickness Remedies

Old wives tales abound as to the best treatments for morning sickness. But you may be getting tired of people telling you to eat saltines and ginger ale. Try raw, candied ginger instead. In Asia, ginger is given for the treatment of nausea, stomach aches, and diarrhea. And some studies have suggested that ginger may be a safe and effective remedy for morning sickness.

Another effective treatment to use is Sea Bands.Originally created as an antidote to seasickness, these knitted elastic wristbands use a pressure knob built into the band that pushes on a specific point in the wrist. Its a form of acupressure that has been shown to relieve vomiting and nausea.

5. Comfortable Shoes.

Comfortable shoes may not make a fashion statement, but along with pregnancy comes clumsiness, aches, and pains. Additionally, swollen ankles and feet can cause a great deal of discomfort and force you to reevaluate your shoe size. Walking in heels is a disaster just waiting to happen, and especially in the late stages of your pregnancy, it's downright dangerous.

The best kind of shoe to get is something like will slip on quickly so you don't have to bend over to tie them. They should also have proper ankle and arch support. And while you’re at it, pamper yourself with some cute, comfortable slippers that you can put on for soothing comfort at the end of the day.

6. Healthy Food

Now is not the time to go on an extreme new eating plan or try to save money with a diet of starch. What you put into your body has an affect on you and your growing baby. If you have gotten past the point of nausea and you are finally able to eat something, try snacking every two to three hours on a handful or two of pocorn, unsalted nuts, or toasted seeded bread.

Yogurt, cheese sticks, and fruit are also great options that are healthy and high in nutrition. If you have an unhealthy craving, try to figure out what it is your body needs and substitute it for something satisfying. And it goes without saying you should buy produce as free of pesticides as possible and the freshest ingredients you can.

7. Maternity Pants

There is no worse feeling than the sensation of pants that are too tight. They contribute to the overall discomfort of pregnancy and are unhealthy for your circulation. A great pair of maternity pants or jeans can be purchased in many maternity shops or online stores, but you can also opt for yoga pants, leggings or any kind of pants with some stretch to them. When all else fails, an oversized pair of sweatpants provides instant comfort. And while you’re buying pants, make sure to get some comfortable cotton undies.

8. A Belly Band

Back and pelvic pain are one of the most chronic complaints of pregnancy with a majority of women reporting that they have one or both. Wearing a Belly Band can help by gently lifting your abdomen. This supports your lower back and your protruding belly when you are going about your daily activities, which may reduce your overall back and pelvic pain and make tasks like exercising easier.

Additionally, many women find it helps them postpartum to support their abdomen while they are recovering and getting back in shape.

9. Pregnancy Seat Belt Positioner

The correct seat belt positioner can save you and baby’s life in the event of an accident. There are many variations on the market, so it's important to research them before making this important choice. We discovered that the Tummy Shield seems to have the highest ratings for comfort and safety. Recommended by doctors and safety experts, it has been put through rigorous testing, and it is the only seat belt for expectant mothers that protects the baby in the event of a crash.

With a little extra attention to your beautiful self and a few products for added comfort, you can be on your way to a comfortable, happy pregnancy.

Kristi Cathey

Hi everyone! My name is Kristi Cathey and I’m glad you found your way to my blog. I am a mother of 3 beautiful angels. This blog was created in order to share my personal experiences in baby care and general health care for pregnant women. If you'd like to get in touch with me, please contact me by sending me an email via kristicathey.intelligentmother@gmail.com. Welcome to Intelligentmother.com

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